
i.tink therefore i am.

For as long as I can remember, I have been making things.
Materials excite me....textures, patterns, colors evoke feelings...
the promise of possibilities, of birthing something new into the world, the satisfaction of completion, and the joy on someone's face upon receiving a beautifully handmade gift...this is what drives me.
I have worked in many creative disciplines: photography, collage, painting, glass blowing, dance, set and interior design, song-writing, sewing....
What matters is not the medium, but that I am creating, using my mind, body and soul to express beauty and love. 

I believe sustainability is at the heart of many aspiring artists' practices. Often, out of necessity, we use whatever is in arms reach, or anything we find on the side of the road, or in the dumpster, or in our parents' closet or grandmother's attic...As a young artist with limited funds, sustainability wasn't so much a choice as it was a necessity, but I grew to value and appreciate the challenge imposed and the ingenuity required to create with limited resources. I use this framework still today, in my commitment to using only vintage and remnant fabrics in my designs, and to repairing and restoring the vintage items of clothing that come my way so that their lives may be extended.

I see fashion as a means of self expression and I am drawn to things that have a history...those hard-to-come-by items that are unique and rare and have an inherent story, perhaps energy even, that comes with their age and travels. 

I hope you enjoy perusing my designs and found treasures. If there is something special you would like me to create for you, or something specific you are seeking, drop me a line. I would be honored to help.

Jennifer Biagiotti

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